The Greatest Gift

This appeared in the December 2010 issue of SKI mag. It’s a decent perspective giver if you’re feeling the stress of the buying season. The Greatest Gift By Edie Thys Morgan We have developed a tradition in our house at Christmas. Every year the kids ask for a Wii, and every year they don’t get one. This is not because we are the meanest parents in the world (though on some days we’d easily get … » read more

Miracle on Mascoma Street

This ran in the local paper. I hope it’ll make you smile or feel a bit warm and fuzzy. The Miracle on Mascoma St. By Edie Thys Morgan I have many lists in the kitchen, but only one has a title. “The Lost” is a growing tally of mysterious disappearances that I truly mourn. Included are things like my hockey skates that were new last year, one son’s down jacket and the other son’s camera, … » read more