Parent Whispering

BOP eagleThis just in—30 is the new 17.

The fact that last weekend’s historic American sweep featured three 30-year-old women on the podium was not lost on any of us oldies. Neither were this season’s early downhill results of Steven Nyman, 32, and Marco Sullivan, 34. Our best slalom skier David Chodunsky, 32, scored his best GS result by far coming from Bib 66 to finish 17th in Beaver Creek. And of course there is Ligety, at age 30, schooling young’ns and vets alike.

I had the good fortune to be out in Beaver Creek during the Birds of Prey World Cups, to watch the Americans slay it while catching up with some former teammates. The night before the big weekend started we just happened to be sharing stories about the age at which we were first told we were “too old” to make it in ski racing. For one it was 19, another 18 and for me that age was 17. By then I had already been kicked off the National Training Group and was recovering from my first knee surgery.

By far the majority of racers who got that message believed it. After all, female ski stars were winning World Cups in their teens. Surely they would be well past their peaks by their late 20’s. Retirement ages, amongst even our most successful racers reflected that: Christin Cooper—done at 24; Tamara McKinney at 27; Cindy Nelson, the vet by far, at 29. Even later the age didn’t get pushed up by much. Hilary Lindh and Picabo Street retired at 27 and 30 respectively. It wasn’t a much longer run if at all on the men’s side. The Mahres departed the World Cup at 26.

As equipment, technique, and sports science evolves the upward age shift is no longer a story of outliers, but a reality. We need to adjust our perspective accordingly, and worry less about sprinting to establish oneself nationally as a 15 or 16 year old, and on the World Cup by age 20, and more about how to keep growing and improving for as long as possible to fully exploit the potential success that can come from years of experience.

While at the Beav I attended a dinner where some of the top USST men spoke briefly. All of them mentioned where they go (or, in Chodunsky’s case, went) to school in the off season. The clear message is that education is part of the path, both as a way to augment ski racing and to retain athletes in the sport longer. This message, from the top of the sport, represents a subtle but sincere shift towards patience.

So that was heartening. But, as the early season training cranks up, other conversations with parents of young ski racers make it apparent that the patience message doesn’t always penetrate at the grass roots level. Many parents resent when 10-year-olds must “prove their commitment” by not missing any training sessions, when 12-year-olds are being pushed to chase points and when 14-year-olds are spending many days and dollars running speed early season, often in dicey conditions, before they’ve solidified their technique in Slalom and GS.  In their guts these parents feel that this acceleration is not right, but they don’t want to get themselves or their kids on the wrong side of the law.

Much of what I write about might be termed Parent Whispering, urging parents to keep calm and adopt a longer term and broader perspective to sports development. After the past few days and weeks, however, hearing the onslaught of stories about skiing’s pushier proponents, I think mere whispering isn’t enough. Furthermore, parents aren’t the only ones who need  to hear the message.

When one mother lamented that her 1st year U-16 was injured while training speed I asked the obvious question: “What was he doing running speed that early in the season at that age?” She knew it wasn’t right—that at worst it was highly risky but that at best it was a poor use of precious time, energy and money. Every high level coach in the country is lamenting the echo chamber that is our development “pipeline” of technical skiers. It’s also well-documented that the top racers worldwide of all ages and disciplines distinguished themselves first as top junior tech skiers. Running speed judiciously—in the right conditions and when skiers have their feet underneath them—is absolutely a component of creating well-rounded (and fun-loving!) ski racers. But being a young speed star can do  more harm than good if it takes time from skill development or puts an athlete at higher risk before he or she has appropriate physical, technical and tactical maturity. And yet, this rush to speed, this Faustian bargain to pursue the quickest path to the podium at the expense of developing solid technical skills, continues.

This sort of became a rant, but it’s one that is dear to my heart. As a former speedster I get the attraction. It’s fun and great and as a kid I took every opportunity to do it as much as possible. It got me two blown out knees at ages 17 and 18. Ironically, whatever success and longevity I had, I owed to those injuries and to being banned from speed until I re-qualified for the USST  through tech. It wasn’t easy to watch younger girls get their uniforms and race World Cup while I slogged away in the Minor Leagues. But in the end patience paid off, while most of those young speedsters didn’t race beyond their teens. They went on to do wonderful things beyond ski racing, but the sport lost them well before they had achieved their potential.

The Parent Whisper of the day is more of a shout, and it goes out to coaches too. Chill, people! Take the time to build a solid base. Progressing in this sport is hard enough. Don’t complicate the process by pushing the accelerator too quickly because there are sharp curves ahead. Anyone hoping to go the distance will need to know how to turn.

15 thoughts on “Parent Whispering”

  1. Well said, Edie. The push for kids to train more, miss more school & go faster at younger & younger ages is pervasive. I have three boys in U 14, U 16 & my eldest son is first year FIS & most of his friends have dropped out because of the time commitment and even among the U16 racers the numbers are dwindling. It’s a big conversation here in Canada too as our National team ages with few to replace the Eric Guays & Jan Hudecs because they burnt out too early.

    • And I wish I knew the answer! At least though I hope people will keep talking and not be afraid to question the big push. Thanks for reading!

  2. Edie, but is it really fair to put the “whispering” on the parents when perhaps it is more rightly put on USSA? if you read the summary from 2014 USSA congress (link below), you will find that selections to U16 Regional Championships is proposed to be “…the best three of six results from 2SG/2GS/2SL…” and for U16 National Championships “…selections will be determined from the SG/GS/SL at the Regional Championships using…the best two of three results.” Given the high probability to skiing out in SL, the SG races carry even bigger weight.

    How can we expect parents to be more patient with their kids’ speed development when USSA places such big weight on speed in qualifications to the post-season (and thus ultimately to NTGs)? My kids are good at speed and probably benefit from USSA’s speed focus but frankly i think it is a mistake to essentially force kids to ski all events to advance in the post season. It would be better to let the kids qualify to each of technical and speed events separately. This way, it would be easier for parents to make the decision to be patient with the kids speed development because it would not hurt their prospects for advancing in the post season.

    • Hi Per- I am so sorry I’ve had comment issues on my blog and just saw this. Anyway, great points and food for thought. Yeah, so many things in the sport and system do make it hard to take a long view. We’re living it too and it is not easy. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. As a U16 coach at a weekend program, I see this all the time. Luckily, our program is laid back, relaxed, and more focused on fun than results. I remember losing almost all my friends once I started racing as a J2 (as it was then) and the time commitment became too much and coaches demanded more.

    Unrelated, Chodounsky is also 30 – a 1984 birth date (along with Vonn, Mancuso, Cook, and Ligety).

  4. Hey Edie – can you please get this ridiculous USST policy changed that says if you are over 29 you need to walk on water to still be on the team? Pino talked about it when Resi got 11th in the SL. That policy goes counter to everything you are saying here, and I totally agree with you. You’re on the board now – get that changed 🙂

    Love the article. As always!

    • Could not agree more! I say, once you are top 30 you can be any age and be on the team. I mean c’mon! God knows you’re putting your life on pause. Thanks for writing and sorry this got lost in my filter. But better late than never, right?

  5. Oh how I wish our parents of the kids we coach would actually read and believe this! My hope is that some of them will. Our job is to make sure the kids have the most fun possible while improving upon themselves. Thanks for writing about it!

    • Thanks for your perspective Adele! Sorry it took me a month to see this. Dang spam filter! Anyway, you are in the trenches and see it all the time, so pass this around as needed as you set more turns.

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