Let the Games Begin

Inundated with all those up close and personal stories of hardship, perseverance and, ultimately, glory, it’s hard even now not to envy the glory part—not to want a piece of it, however fleeting.

What’s in a Naming? A lot when it’s an Olympic Team

    Cue the dramatic music and the tear-jerking commericals, because the Olympics are coming! For many of us Racers Ex this time of year dredges up memories and references to the 1984 team, or, in reality, half team. Recently an article in the Aspen Times by Roger Marolt entitled Vacancy at the Olympic Village discussed the sensitive issue from a personal perspective not yet considered (by me at least). Roger is the nephew of … » read more

Fear Factor

This article first appeared in Ski Racing earlier this season. Check out the official fancy version here. In honor of the upcoming Hahnenkamm (the king daddy of fear fests), and speed camps/events everywhere  I am re-posting it.  Huge thanks go to all I interviewed for their thoughtful, honest answers.   “Don’t be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything.” ― Carlos … » read more

Timing Isn’t Everything

To all parents glued to their smart phones this weekend, here is some food for thought. This article ran recently in Ski Racing. Find it here or below in a slightly longer, less official looking version. Based on reports from the field, as the competition season begins in earnest this message bears repeating. And trust me, Live-Timing addicts, I fully understand the power of the rabbit hole. Ok-read on! You’ve probably seen one by now: … » read more

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s ski season. We’ve got the snow, the rain, the fog, and (we hope) the snow again to prove it. It’s also time for me to crank up the keyboard for some ski talk. First (just to prove I’m not a total slacker), here’s the scoop on what I’ve been writing while NOT updating this blog. This year I am totally psyched to be back atcha as a columnist for Ski Racing. Gary Black threw … » read more

In Ted We Trust

To win is wonderful, but to win respect is divine. Hero worship is way overrated. But I make an exception with Ted Ligety. When you have the world’s best skier (today, and on many other days) who also runs a successful business, makes fun a priority, takes a stand on issues for the benefit of fellow athletes, literally shrugs off disappointing runs and takes time to fist-bump his pint-sized fans on the way up to … » read more

Back to Basics

Ode to an old friend, Pianta Su If you go to enough junior ski races this year, there is a good chance you will run in to “skills assessments,” also known, at the national level, as “Skills Quest.” Whatever they are called, these on-hill evaluations attach a value to the fundamental skills upon which all good (and ultimately great) skiing is based. Essentially kids are scored on their ability to execute certain drills that, when … » read more

Team pic

Same team! Same team!

Three cheers for teammates, the friends who never leave really leave you. ‘Tis the season of giving thanks for all that we have. ‘Tis also the beginning of ski season. To honor both of those things, I want to give a shout-out to a gift that has lasted me a lifetime—the gift of a team. That may sound odd coming from someone who spent her formative years immersed in an individual sport, battling daily for … » read more

Taking Back Fall

Last year I spent the most spectacular weekend of fall standing around on a landfill. I was not alone. Many parents were there too, watching our many children chase soccer balls back and forth across said landfill, and a host of other once-barren areas that had been repurposed into mega soccer complexes. These fields are needed to accommodate the seemingly bottomless rosters of young soccer players, many of whom were in the process of kicking … » read more

Doping 101: Teachable Moments in Lance Armstrong’s Biggest Crash

It was a typical evening scene in our house. My husband and I were chatting about current events lite—weather, gas prices, potential carpet colors—while my youngest son was ensconced in a project at the kitchen table, paying us little to no attention. That is, until the conversation turned to Tyler Hamilton’s newly released book, The Secret Race, and Lance Armstrong’s demise. From his seat at the table my son suddenly engaged into our discussion. “You … » read more