The Price is Right? Not really, but you can make it better.

Trying to manage the cost of ski racing? Try these for starters….Attend public school. Live at home. Buy equipment at fall ski swaps. Be a member of your closest local ski club. Make your own lunch. Car pool. Read on for more ways to keep the dream alive while keeping it real.

Spring Training

Consider all the time invested in getting to this point, to the peak of your abilities, and capitalize on that strong foundation now that the going is easy. Skill development, especially at a young age is all about volume and repetition, and, most importantly, fun. In springtime it’s all here for the taking.

Dear Ski Racer Dad, or Mom

Every year on or before March 1, when the high emotional stakes of Championship season are upon us, I roll out the “Long Road” speech. It already started making the rounds from other sources this year, but for any who missed it and need a little perspective heading into the March Madness of Championship season, check it out. This year’s update comes in the form of a letter, inspired by the following incident along with … » read more

Once Upon a Pole Plant

“Pole plants are kind of like manners. If you don’t have them when you’re young you’ll probably never have them. And if you want to go as far as you can you’ll need them in your quiver.”

Gold Mine

This following piece  appeared in Racer Next, in Ski Racing’s Issue 8, 2014. Here is the amateur version. When people ask me about favorite memories from my ski racing career, the first thing that usually pops into my mind is the Opening Ceremonies at the Calgary Olympics. It was my first time on such a grand stage. I was wide-eyed and overwhelmed and despite the itchy wool skirt and sub-zero temperatures, thrilled beyond words. There … » read more

Let the Games Begin

Inundated with all those up close and personal stories of hardship, perseverance and, ultimately, glory, it’s hard even now not to envy the glory part—not to want a piece of it, however fleeting.

What’s in a Naming? A lot when it’s an Olympic Team

    Cue the dramatic music and the tear-jerking commericals, because the Olympics are coming! For many of us Racers Ex this time of year dredges up memories and references to the 1984 team, or, in reality, half team. Recently an article in the Aspen Times by Roger Marolt entitled Vacancy at the Olympic Village discussed the sensitive issue from a personal perspective not yet considered (by me at least). Roger is the nephew of … » read more

Fear Factor

This article first appeared in Ski Racing earlier this season. Check out the official fancy version here. In honor of the upcoming Hahnenkamm (the king daddy of fear fests), and speed camps/events everywhere  I am re-posting it.  Huge thanks go to all I interviewed for their thoughtful, honest answers.   “Don’t be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything.” ― Carlos … » read more

Timing Isn’t Everything

To all parents glued to their smart phones this weekend, here is some food for thought. This article ran recently in Ski Racing. Find it here or below in a slightly longer, less official looking version. Based on reports from the field, as the competition season begins in earnest this message bears repeating. And trust me, Live-Timing addicts, I fully understand the power of the rabbit hole. Ok-read on! You’ve probably seen one by now: … » read more

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s ski season. We’ve got the snow, the rain, the fog, and (we hope) the snow again to prove it. It’s also time for me to crank up the keyboard for some ski talk. First (just to prove I’m not a total slacker), here’s the scoop on what I’ve been writing while NOT updating this blog. This year I am totally psyched to be back atcha as a columnist for Ski Racing. Gary Black threw … » read more